


Donations of all sizes are welcome, and you can specify how you’d like yours to be applied.

  •  General Support
  •  Camp Hope and Joy*
  •  Support for a Specific Clínica de Familia Program
  •  Capital Campaign for new and expanded Clínica de Familia facilities**

Your donation is 100% tax-deductible, and will be acknowledged with a letter to that effect.

All contributions support Clínica de Familia La Romana in the Dominican Republic, with 90% going directly to programs and 10% to administration and fundraising.

Planned Giving: Leave a legacy donation in your will to sustain Clínica de Familia. Contact us to learn how.

 Choose us as your favored charity,  and AmazonSmile Foundation will send us 0.5% of the cost of your eligible purchase prices.

Add us as your favorite charity to donate a portion of your proceeds to us and receive tax credits and discounts on your seller fees.

 You can also make donations via our charity profile on Guidestar.


Children’s Global Health Fund, Inc. receives support from public and private organizations, and from individuals in the United States and other countries. 

We believe we can best serve our mission when we have a diverse funding base.  We are pleased to accept donations from organizations that:

  • Support the mission of the Children’s Global Health Fund
  • Support efforts to ensure health services are delivered to those in need, free of stigma and discrimination, and with full respect for each individual’s human rights

Children’s Global Health Fund does not accept donations from tobacco companies, gun manufacturers, defense industries, and gambling companies.

*Annual campaign to fund a special summer camp  for children and adolescents living with HIV in extreme poverty.

**Clínica de Familia´s current rented space has been remodeled three times to create more work space, but there is no more room to remodel and it is inadequate for the large staff and ever-increasing number of clients and services being provided. In order to respond to these issues, Clínica de Familia is currently planning the construction of a new building. Donations to the Capital Campaign will go directly to the purchase of land and construction of the building. Clínica de Familia´s current rented space has been remodeled three times to create more work space, but there is no more room to remodel and it is inadequate for the large staff and ever-increasing number of clients and services being provided. In order to respond to these issues, Clínica de Familia is currently planning the construction of a new building. Donations to the Capital Campaign will go directly to the purchase of land and construction of the building.